Nana Ulya, University of Minnesota Crookston (USA, 2018-2020)

Our students have the opportunity to study a Dual Degree Program with the University of Minnesota Crookston (USA) for several years in a row.

It is a great opportunity to get a state American diploma together with the Ukrainian one.

Nana Ulya is ConcordiaUA graduate 2020, Bachelor’s state diploma “International Economic Relations” and international diploma “Business Administration”, shared with us their impressions of studying at the University of Minnesota:

“During my studies at the University of Minnesota, I have been through a lot of challenges. One of the most difficult challenges was time management where I had to manage my studying timetable wisely. Although the pressure was tense, studying in UMC and ConcordiaUAy at the same time was such a good experience. I got the chance to advance my research writing capabilities, which helped me in writing my course papers in IER and Management. While studying Macroeconomics, Intl Dimensions in Bussines Culture and Global Trade Economics, I got introduced to students from all over the world and worked on mutual tasks. I benefited greatly from experiencing different teaching methods.Family and friends’ support played an instrumental role in my success.”