Hochschule Worms

The University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule) is a public university located in Worms, Germany. It was founded in 1978. The University of Applied Sciences Worms, comprising faculties of business, tourism/transportation, and informatics, is accredited by FIBAA, an agency which specializes in accreditation of international business administration programs.

In November 2015, Concordia University Vice-Rector Dr. Julia Romanovska discussed cooperation between the Universities during her visit to Hochschule Worms. As a result a visit of a group of Concordia students was planned and took place in November 2016 at Hochschule Worms. The visit was sponsored also by Concordia University’s German friends Dr. Hartwig Lorenz and Dr. Hendrik Doss. Together with Prof. Dr. Honorary Consul of Ukraine to Germany Hans-Juergen Doss, our German colleagues have helped to establish educational cooperation between Ukrainian and German partners.

On November 7, 2016 the Protocol of Intentions between two institutions was refreshed and signed by the President of University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule) Worms – Prof., Dr. Jens Hermsdorf and ConcordiaUA Rector – Prof., Dr. Oleksandr O. Romanovskyi. The main purpose of the Protocol is to develop a variety of academic arrangements that will be to the mutual benefit of both staff and students of the two institutions in order to promote academic linkages and to enrich the understanding of economics, politics and culture of the two countries concerned.

Tuition and Fees

You will only need to pay a small semester contribution of currently Euro 153.50. This contribution covers administrative and support costs.

Application Deadlines:

Fall semester – 01 November

Spring semester – 01 May

If you have any questions, please, contact Olga Glazova,  +38 050 440 13 56, olga.glazova@uacu.edu.ua

Reviews of our students about the University of Worms

Max Glazov

On November 3, our university (WIUU) organized a trip for me and a 3 other students. With me came Katrin Naddur (4th year student of BBA program), Alexander Deineko (5th year student of MBA program) and Victoria Pogiba (2nd year student of BBA program). As for accommodation, the Germans who are member of the Ukrainian-German society were very kind to offer us to stay in their members` families. They also made every effort to fill our journey with steep impressions and emotions for which we are very grateful. They planned out each day of our stay in Germany and saturated it with various excursions, travels and even with small details. Thank you so much for the possibility to see the old town of Mainz and Worms as well as for the opportunity to go to a concert of classical Musicians in an incredibly beautiful castle of Mannheim. Our classes began on the November 7. As we studied economics and business in our university, the Head of International Cooperation Department provided us with the classes that are taught on their Masters of International Management Program. We took different classes of this program for 2 weeks. It`s interesting to note that even in such a short period we were able to contribute on classes and gain some new knowledge. I really liked this trip and I want to thank WIUU for such great opportunity.

Katrin Naddur

Our visit to Germany, Land Rheinland-Pfalz, took place from the 3rd to 18th of November. The date was chosen due to the fact that at that moment the University held the international level students fair. The purposes of our arrival was the development of friendly relations between «Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine» and University of Worms (Germany), to exchange the studying experience, compare it with the one we have in Ukraine and represent our university on the international student’s fair. We were supposed to live in German families and it is important to note that the families treated us very well and tried to make our trip as great as possible. They made every day special for us. Starting from food and ending with cultural program and various trips, which did not allow us to get bored even for a single moment. On the November 7, 2016, the learning process began. We took different classes in the sphere of economics for 2 weeks. However, even in such a short period we have managed to gain some knowledge on various interesting topics and issues. What was also noticeable is the difference between the educational atmosphere in Germany and in Ukraine. We did enjoy this trip so much. And we are very grateful for this opportunity which was created by WIUU! In addition, I would love to say a separate big thank you to my host-parents, who were unbelievably kind to me and did their best to make my stay in Germany comfortable and exciting. I am extremely glad I met such wonderful people.

ConcodiaUA students, Vlada Pavlenko and Barth-Obi Chimeremeze Marian, are among 69 international students from 17 countries of the world, who are exchange students at the University of Applied Sciences in Worms (Germany) for Spring Semester 2020.

Dengub Sofiya

«Навчалася на дистанційному курсі German Language for Beginners Університету прикладних наук (Вормс,  Німеччина). Завдяки цьому курсу я покращила навички володіння німецькою мовою. А саме збільшення вокабуляру, повторення та вивчення нової граматики і найголовніше – говоріння. Наш викладач застосовував індивідуальний підхід до кожного учня, що допомогло уникнути певних бар’єрів в спілкуванні. На наших лекціях ми практикували правильну вимову та знайомились з культурою Німеччини. Ми слухали діалоги, проходили квізи та ознайомлювались с офіційно-діловим мовленням. Дуже полегшувало навчання те, що викладач вільно володіє необхідними технічними навичками.

Моїм побажанням та рекомендацією буде надати в майбутньому більше курсів мобільності, бо опановуються вони легко та швидко. Також, було б добре розробити розклад денний та нічний для закордонних студентів або тих, хто вчиться дистанційно».

Anna Farvashchuk

«Я навчалася на дистанційному курсі German language for beginners, від Університету прикладних наук Вормс у Німеччині. За час нашого навчання, я вивчила багато нового матеріалу та закріпила свої попередні навички та знання з німецької мови. На уроках ми дуже багато практикуємо нашу вимову на прикладі реальних діалогів, та наш вчитель ніколи не забуває ні про кого з учнів і дає всім змогу відповісти на занятті та попрактикувати свою вимову і в результаті підвищити свої навички. Також наш викладач обирає індивідуальний підхід до кожного студента згідно з їх уподобаннями та рівнем опанування предмету і завжди допомагає з проходженням матеріалу. Також він вільно володіє системою Мудл та інформаційними технологіями, що значно полегшує наш навчальний процес. Моїм побажанням для майбутніх програм мобільності буде додати більше курсів з міжнародними університетами, бо це найкраща практика для вдосконалення своїх навичок спілкування іноземними мовами.»