Anastasiia Kinash, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Innovations:

Midterms and Finals are the two most important assessment elements in each course. The total weight of these two works is 60% of the total number of points provided. Intermediate (Midterm) and final (Final) controls are aimed at comprehensive verification of students’ assimilation of course knowledge: the first half (Midterm) and the entire course (Final).

The schedule of Midterms and Finals is determined by the dean’s office before the start of the course for all students at the same time.

If a student misses a Midterm/Final or fails a course, he/she may participate in a test center.

The test center is an additional opportunity for all students to take or retake Midterms/Finals from any courses chosen by the student to study in the current semester.

The test center for courses is held twice a semester – after the completion of each course block (October and December, March and May (June).

General information about the test center, instructions and restrictions are given in the Regulations on the test center.

Due to blackouts, air alerts, problems with electricity and Internet access, admission conditions are reviewed before each test center. In particular, the restriction on the passing minimum % of admission for another work was removed and the maximum number of works that a student can take/retake during one test center was increased.

In addition to the test center for Midterms and Finals, once a semester there is a test center for the Course Paper and Internship presentations.

Registration at the test center is mandatory. 7-10 days before the test center, students are informed about the details of the test center and the start of registration. After the application deadline, each application is reviewed and approved for admission. Before the test center (in 1-2 days), students receive information about admission and all the necessary details.

The test center is an effective organizational element aimed at supporting the effective and purposeful education of students as an auxiliary form in the event of the impossibility of completing assignments on time or their unsatisfactory completion.