Володимир Нижник, ConcordiaUA студент, зараз паралельно навчається в Таллінському університеті

Володимир Нижник студент спеціальності “Міжнародні економічні відносини” зараз паралельно навчається в Таллінському університеті.
Відгук Володимира:
In UACU I was studying business-related and economic subjects, so I have an advantage over my classmates when it comes to the branches of law that interact with those directly. Since I can see a bit broader picture behind certain economic policies and regulations.

I’m a second-year student in a bachelor-level law program at Tallinn University now. It’s a general classic law program that covers the main branches of the law and would let me build a foundation for master’s level studies. My student experience is quite diverse, we have students from all over the world, so it’s interesting to debate and have various perspectives on state affairs and legal systems in their home countries. There are also many student clubs such as debates club, school choir, law guild, photography club, theatre club, etc. At the same time, the university is hosting conferences with prominent scholars, here is the last one I’ve attended:
