Допоміжні знання – джерело досвіду

Наші студенти взяли участь  в проекті “Успішний Cтарт” навчальної програми Європейської Бізнес Асоціації для студентів вищих навчальних закладів 3-5 курсів, яка було вперше запущена у вересні 2014 року та проводиться восени кожного року.

Анастасія Тищенко, студентка ІІІ курсу спеціальності «Міжнародні економічні відносини» та міжнародної програми ВВА  розповідає про свою участь у цьому проекті так:

«I recently had a great opportunity to take part in a conference «Successful start 2020”. And I want to share with you some of the insights I have. For me personally, most of the topics were related to many topics of our studies at the university and helped to consolidate the material already studied.  It was nice to see the faces of people who interested me earlier with their training systems – Yuri Bas and Aleksandr Zayoma.  They shared with us their communication and negotiation skills, as well as the basics of building a speech and confident conversation. This is so necessary for the confident advancement in our career.

Also for me personally, there was a very interesting module devoted to Human Typology, conducted by Rozkvas Alina, trainer-consultant of EY. We analyzed the personality types of a person, from the features, as well as the necessary understandings for contact with their different representatives.

I would like to thank the Ukrainian-American Concordia University for the opportunity to participate in the conference, as well as the organizers of the Successful Start program for holding this conference.»