Нові знання – це ще один крок до успіху в житті

Наші студенти взяли участь  в проєкті “Успішний Cтарт”, навчальної програми Європейської Бізнес Асоціації для студентів вищих навчальних закладів 3-5 курсів, яка було вперше запущена у вересні 2014 року та проводиться восени кожного року.

Артем Яцик, студентка ІІІ курсу спеціальності «Міжнародні економічні відносини» та міжнародної програми ВВА, розповідає про свою участь в цьому проекті:

«Recentelly, I had the pleasure of being invited to take part in the “Successful Start 2020” courses. These annual courses held by European Business Association were a source of exciting and very relevant information to me and other participants. Every lecture held during the 9-week duration of this program presented a great opportunity for me to expand my understanding of a variety of subjects, ranging from basic things, like proper resume, to advanced concepts, like innovation in business. Although I wasn’t able to attend one lecture the remaining 8 were more than enough to make up for that.

The two most memorable lectures for me were the ones about MBTI and Start-up economy, held by Ms. Rozkvas and Ms. Pestretsova-Blotska respectively. The lecture on MBTI was rather interesting to me, as nowadays used it is more and more by companies to understand whether one is suitable for hiring. Ms. Pestretsova-Blotska lecture was also very memorable, especially for the practical part, wherein we divided into several groups and “simulated” run competing pizza places, trying to turn a profit.

Overall, I consider this one of the best projects I took part in, and I am very thankful that Ukrainian-American Concordia University, where I study at, made this all possible for me and other students. I hope I will be able to attend these courses next year, as every piece of knowledge is just one more step towards great success in life».