Практика – старт для майбутнього

Юля Конон, студентка 4 курсу спеціальності «Менеджмент» та міжнародної програми ВВА, успішно навчається протягом  всіх чотирьох років. Юля проходила виробничу практику в Одеському філіалі Philip Morris, ділиться враженнями про те, як знання здобуті в університеті, прийшли на допомогу:

“This summer I passed the internship in Philip Morris Ukraine in Odessa.

My duties included visiting retail outlets, checking compliance with the goods location plan, checking the availability of goods, creating reports on the availability of goods and advertising inserts, as well as meetings with PMU representatives, online training attendance and work on a project to improve consumer experience. During my internship I learned a lot of things that we were told about at university lectures, for example about FMCG goods or supply chain management. In my internship, knowledge from such subjects as international business, marketing and finance was extremely useful. But I would like to be given more information about how global companies work by the employees of such companies in order to get interesting insights.

It is great that we have such internships, that give us an opportunity to try yourself in some areas, apply the knowledge gained in university and decide what we would like to do in future.”