Танець – це як мова, яка говорить про всі культури та традиції

Катерина Бондар, студентка 2 курсу спеціальності «Міжнародні економічні відносини» та міжнародної програми ВВА, закінчила школу з золотою медаллю, продовжує успішно навчатися в університеті.

Катерина ділиться своїм захопленням – танцями і розповідає, що вони значать для неї:

“Dance is a form of art that copes with specific body movements. This is done specifically for the purpose of pleasure, because it encompasses a wide range of stamina as it is impressed by the physical movement of the body. Dance stands for discipline, mentality, interesting advancements, confidence and amusement.

There are different artistic performances that reflect different cultures of different countries and continents or the place from which they originally come: ballroom dances, electronic dances, classical or traditional dances, street dances, freestyle, and a lot more.

With all the fundamental aspects of dancing I have just listed, I would return back to my hobby dancing, and why I chose to be linked with it, as well as how much I am in it. Growing up as the only child in the family, I was bored most of the time, and because hardly anyone was around, my parents thought that it would be a great opportunity for me to visit a dance class. I was not at all sure if I would actually like to waste hours on dancing, but as soon as I joined the group, my viewpoint for dancing changed for the better. I began taking a genuine interest in the educational steps that we have learned in the class, and I would have exercised them for hours in my room until I had reached perfection. I would have gone wrong many times, but my dance teacher would always have been there for me and help me in difficult cases while at the dancing club.

To be honest, it is difficult to explain what dancing means for me in several words, because I feel that dance is like a language that speaks for all cultures and traditions. Also, I t allows quick access to discover all the beautiful cultures, where different dance styles involve different feelings which, obviously, provide guidance into the various traditions that exist in society of the modern world. You can learn a lot about someone’s country on the basis of a dance performed by the dancers themselves. This is why I appreciate my hobby the most.”