Історичні книги – в переліку захоплень

Олексій Бистров, студент І курсу спеціальності «Менеджмент» та міжнародної програми ВВА. Олексій одержує студентську стипендію, тому  навчається в університеті безкоштовно. Він має неодміну умову такої стипендії – шкільну золоту медаль:

«Hobby is an inalienable piece of every person. It differs like preference in music. There are so many spheres to try: playing, writing (in all meanings of this words), singing, watching films, drawing, reading.

Not so long ago, I only liked to play computer games and watch videos. But I pulled myself together and used to read and learn something new. So my list of hobbies looks like:

  • Playing computer games with friends
  • Reading historical novels, anti-utopia novels and sci-fi
  • Playing piano a bit
  • Trying myself in programming

Computer games always were part of my life, actually. From looking how my father plays to taking part in cybersport tournaments with my friends. I am not ashamed of that. Games help me to relieve stress and anger. Frankly speaking, I get many positive emotions while playing games, because of doing crazy things. I am sure, I will never stop to have fun in this way.

I started reading such genres of books freshly. Actually it related with my interest to history. Actually, I hate describes of nature and “water” in books. It distracts from the main topic. Right now my library in phone looks like that:

Lastly I would like to describe my passion to programming. Now I try myself in different spheres: making bots, sites, simple window programs and so on. I like site-making most. It is not easy one, but fascinating and inspiring, when you see the fruit of your work.»