Стипендіатки HMC Projects – 2021 про свої враження від англійської школи

За результатами напруженого періоду співбесід, які у 2020/2021 навчальному році проводилися у режимі онлайн, було обрано сімох українських школярів – у вересні 2021 року вони почали навчання у шести британських школах-пансіонах за програмою «шостого класу».

Із задоволенням публікуємо відгук цьогорічних стипендіаток HMC Projects з України про їхні враження від початку навчання у британській школі.

It doesn’t make us less happy to receive the Hogwarts letter 5 years later than we were supposed to, and not by an owl-post, but as an email. There wasn’t a moment of hesitation whether to give this opportunity a go or not. Tickets bought (airplane – not a Hogwarts express), suitcases packed and we are in the UK, in a homey town named Harrogate, to be precise.  

Harrogate is a shy town that doesn’t stab the clouds with skyscrapers’ spires, doesn’t disturb squirrels with car honks and people with advertisement banners. Actually, try to use all your stereotypes about England to outline Harrogate in your mind: green fields, brick houses and lots of corgis.

It becomes obvious now why Harrogate Ladies’ College was established exactly in this place 128 years ago. The spirit of learning – this is what has not changed since those times, unlike the roads, hopefully.  

Let us take you for a virtual excursion in school. Close your eyes and imagine that you are walking down the corridor. Laughing girls in navy blue uniforms leave you behind as you stare, mesmerized, at artworks: abstract paintings and majestic dresses made by students. You peep in every classroom that you pass. Whether it is a chemistry lab, a drama studio or a music hall – every room has modern equipment, piles of books and big windows to observe lacrosse games outside. There are also small rooms called “studies”. Perhaps, it is too obvious, but pupils study there – do their prep (homework) or just hang out with friends. If you follow the smell, it will guide you to the noisy dining hall, stuffed with girls and teachers. Help yourself to the fish and chips!  
While you are enjoying your lunch, we will reveal to you a secret – this is a precise description of us on the day of our arrival. We had the same excursion and were even 10 times more excited than you!

We were sure that it was the biggest shock we would experience. However, it appeared we never actually knew what the shock was, until we received our schedules. As we study in the Sixth form (google British system of education), we were supposed to choose only 3 and yes, it is not a printing mistake, – 3 subjects. So instead of having all day filled with lessons, we have lots of free hours. Although, it may look as if we are chilling here, it is right on the contrary, because we have at least 2 teachers for each subject. For example, I have 3 teachers for my English literature, which means I have to write 3 essays for my prep. Add other subjects. Plus studying them not in a native language. Even though I am not good at Maths, I can say that it is quite a lot.

This is what my sister says about her experience so far:
“At the beginning it was hard. Imagine talking foreign language 24/7, explaining your feelings, thoughts and needs. In addition to the huge number of unfamiliar words to learn, we have to understand various accents and get used to the fast pace of speaking.

Lessons are conducted differently than in Ukraine. For instance, during History we need to take notes by ourselves, as no one will give you a complete list of reasons “Why Churchill lost the 1945 general election”. Psychology is a totally new subject for the local girls as well. This makes lessons a bit easier as we are all in the same boat. We have already done some experiments: found out that larks react faster than owls and tasted 2 types of chocolate as a part of our repeated measures design study. During French lessons, me and 3 other girls (yes, the groups can be that big) discuss different types of marriage, reasons for a divorce and political “coming-outs.”  
There will definitely be days full of stress and anxiety because of being surrounded by everything new. There will be days which we will call “the best of our lives”. Discoveries and disappointments, victories and struggles – everything will happen.

But you know what? We are enjoying it so much! Knowledge is a treasure, learning – a challenge, which we are more than ready to embrace. 


Стипендіатки програми HMC Projects з України (2021),

Гаррогейт Лейдіз Коледж (Harrogate Ladies’ College), Англія, ВБ