Уроки художньої школи

Анастасія Кошарна, студентка 2 курсу спеціальності «Менеджмент» розповідає про своє захоплення:

«In my childhood, I loved drawing. I usually would draw anything I wanted, without any rules and regulations. Moreover, I did it pretty well, even though I did not know how to do shadows properly and what was a perspective. Later, I went to art school. It was very hard to study there; we were expected to do a lot of works in a small amount of time. We usually spent around 4 hours per day, 4 days a week studying different subjects. We learned the History of Art, Sculpture, Composition, and Drawing. In addition, we always had homework after each lecture. I was exhausted and stressed out all the time. So, when I finished the course program I was happier than ever. From art school, I get the painter’s view of things, a good understanding of color theory, and the ability to draw straight lines. Although that is great and I think that this knowledge will be with me for the life, I learned something more important in that school. I thought that I just would learn some rules, practice, and as a result, I would easily get a perfect painting. Now I know that it is difficult. Even if you know all the possible rules and you practice a lot, it is still time-consuming. Building a great perspective takes time and concentration; drawing a portrait takes difficult measuring of the object. Therefore, I treat all of the artists’ works with huge respect. As for me, sometimes I can draw if I have lots of time and energy. You can see some of my works below»