Юлія Бень

Юлія Бень

Магістр, 2024
I had the incredible privilege of completing both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Ukrainian-American Concordia University. From the moment I entered the university, I knew I was in for something special. 
Foremost, I appreciate the educational team of the Ukrainian-American Concordia university which are not just professors but mentors. Their passion for teaching is evident in every lecture, and the personalized attention I received truly made a difference in my learning experience.
Of course, no academic journey is without its challenges, but the Ukrainian-American Concordia university provided the support and resources needed to overcome them. Whether it was academic advising, free literature services or other, the university prioritized the well-being and success of its students.
I am proud to be an alum and grateful for the education and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.