Юлія Ладиженська: «Викладачі завжди готові прийти на допомогу»

Карантин. Все відбулося дуже швидко … І не дивлячить на те, що майже останні два роки наші студенти та викладачі працюють повністю на платформі Moodle, було не зовсім легко будувати нові схеми спілкування зі студентами, долати з їх боку прояви випадків академічної недоброчесності.
Та, мабуть, найважче нашим першокурсникам. Адже вони ще не зовсім опанували і саму
систему Moodle, а тут ще й ZOOM підключився. Та як бачимо вони, наші найкращі студенти,

Юлія Ладиженська, студентка І курсу спеціальності «Менеджмент» та міжнародної програми ВВА:

I want to thank our Ukrainian-American Concordia University for a great distance learning. The transition from on-campus learning to distance learning was very easy for me.
• Material
All lesson materials can be found on each course page. I really like that the material is short and concise. There are also not only material but also examples of similar homework assignments.
This helps a lot with the tasks.
• Feedback from teachers
I am delighted that teachers almost immediately respond to your message on mail or on Moodle. I had some questions about the tasks and the material, I wrote to the teachers and they answered me very quickly. Teachers are always ready to answer and give you the advice to make your educational process even easier. Every teacher is interested in making sure everyone understands the material well and is ready to help us and explain everything clearly.
• Midterms
Before the midterms I was worried that we would not have the counseling we always had when we were able to go to university, but teachers have not forgotten about their students and have consulted online. Also on the page of each course was an advertisement placed at the top so that everyone could see the consultation time and the list of topics from which we will have an exam.
• Online lectures
In my first year I have the subject Principles of Entrepreneurship, we were always visited by teachers from different countries of the world and gave lectures. Therefore, our University organized online lectures for us. We had 2 lectures. The first lecture “How to approach enterprise Cybersecurity”. The second lecture “What does it mean to be a marketer nowadays?”; speaker Elena Diomina. I really liked these lectures, but the second one was simply incredible. I am interested in marketing, so it was useful to me. Elena is a true professional in her field.  She described her work in great detail, her career as a manager, and various types of marketing.  We also watched various videos related to the topic.
I also want to thank Business English teacher Ischuk Lesya Mikhailovna, who conducts online lectures. She tries to bring us material and wants us to understand everything. We do different tasks and answer questions related to the topic of the lesson. So, the process of distance learning is organized so that it is easy for students and teachers to collaborate.