Університетські знання – в практичній діяльності

Руслана Зіміна, студентка 4 курсу спеціальності «Менеджмент» та міжнародної програми ВВА, успішно навчається протягом  всіх чотирьох років.

Руслана проходила виробничу практику в Prago Healthcare LLC, ділиться враженнями про те, як знання здобуті в університеті, прийшли на допомогу:

 «From August to October, I passed an internship at Prago Healthcare LLC.

My responsibilities were communication with partners and suppliers, filling in the invoices for shipping and overall information about ship international logistics (import).

In practice, I was able to learn what we were taught in classes of psychology, business ethics, operational management and finance. The knowledge gained in these subjects was very useful and helped me in practice.

In general, I am satisfied with the results of the internship and I think that this is a great opportunity to try yourself in different areas of business, to show your knowledge and skills in order to continue the professional journey and gain more experience in a chosen profession.»