Поради щодо ефективного навчання онлайн

Ірина Сікорська, студентка 2 курсу спеціальності «Менеджмент» та міжнародної програми ВВА, закінчила школу із золотою медаллю, продовжує успішно навчатися в університеті. До її порад варто прислухатися, адже незалежно від важких і незвичних умов навчання Ірина продовжує  навчатися на «відмінно»:

«In our modern world, it is almost impossible to imagine studying without using online methods. Thousands of years ago, people used to write on clay boards and carve on wood; nowadays, we use laptops, tablets and phones. What is more, the COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed our impression of traditional schools and universities. They have started to hold online courses. Thus, all learners should know the most important rules, which will help them to succeed in online studying.

First and foremost, it is necessary to make sure that you have reliable internet connection. It will give you the opportunity to stay current with your course, receive the required materials and assignments, and deal with sudden mishaps. In this case, you need to get either your instructor’s or IT specialist’s contact information who will be able to solve some technological problems. Besides, all your work should be saved on special cloud storage services.

Second, the appropriate studying environment should also be one of your major concerns. Hence, organize your studying space and make it clean, quiet and distraction-free. Moreover, do not forget that both your brain and your body need vitamins and hydration. Can clothes effect studying? Definitely, the way you are dressed can influence how you feel yourself.

Furthermore, although your timetable can be flexible, try to establish your schedule. Give yourself enough extra time to do homework and complete the tasks. Take notes regularly, revise the information you have already learnt, be an active participant of different discussions, work in groups with your study partners, and share your experience with your virtual groupmates. Online studying does not mean studying in isolation. If there is something unclear, do not hesitate to ask for help. Taking breaks and restoring your brain is also essential.

Finally, treat your online course as if it was a real one, dedicate a significant amount of your time to watching lectures, be concentrated while studying, attend all the classes and be self-disciplined. Try to follow all these studying tips, and you will receive not only the highest grades but also develop useful skills and habits for your future career.»